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Attn: Dairy show contestant. The Minnesota Board of Animal Health announces new testing requirements for lactating dairy cows effective Tuesday, June 18. All lactating (currently producing milk) dairy cows must have both a negative H5N1 test result and Certificate of Veterinary Inspection (CVI) to attend any exhibition in Minnesota.

We will still be having a dairy show June 21st

Please contact BJ or Gene with question or

Open Class Livestock
Come Show With Us!

Below is a list of Livestock shows for the 2024 Wadena County Fair 

Go to to register 

Contact BJ 218-371-8046 with questions.

 Open Class Sheep Show

June 22nd 1pm

5.00/ entry 


Hampshire, Suffolk, Dorset, Southdown, Baby Doll Southdown, all PB other meat Breeds, Rambouillet, Columbian, Montedale, Lincoln, Corriedale, Other PB wool Breeds, Commercial



1.Yearling Ram, Sept 2022-Aug 2023

2.Fall Ram Lamb, Sept-Dec 2023

3.January-Feb Ram Lamb, Jan. - Feb 2024

4.Spring Ram Lamb, Mar 1, 2024 & after

5. Yearling Ewe, Sept 2021-Aug 2023

6.Fall Ewe Lamb, Sept 2023-Dec 2023 

7.January - Feb Ewe Lamb, Jan - Feb 2024 

8.Spring Ewe Lamb, Mar 1, 2024 & after


10 .Market Lambs  Born after Dec. 1st, 2023


Overall Awards  $50.00 Supreme Breeding Ewe, Breeding Buck, and Market



1st Place $25,00

2nd Place $20. 00

3rd Place $15.00

4th Place and under $5.00


Open Meat Goat Show 

June 22nd 4pm

5.00 / entry


Boer, Myotonics ,Pygmy, Other PB meat breeds, Commercial


Doe Kid, 0-6 months 

Doe Kid, 6-12 months 

Yearling Doe, 12-16 months 

Yearling Doe, 16-24 months 

2 year old Doe 24-36 months

Aged Senior Doe 36 months and over

Buck Kids, 0-6 months

Buck Kids 6-12 months

Yearling Bucks 12-24 months

2 + years Bucks 24 months and older

Market Does  Born after Dec.1, 2023

Market Wethers Born after Dec.1, 2023

Market Dairy Wethers Born after Dec.1, 2023


Overall Awards  $50.00 Supreme Breeding Doe, Breeding Buck, and Champ Market



1st Place $25,00

2nd Place $20. 00

3rd Place $15.00

4th Place and under $5.00


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Open Class Beef Show

June 23rd 1pm

$10.00 / entry


Angus, Charolais, Hereford, Limousine, Red Angus, Shorthorn, Simmental, AOB, Commercial


 Prospect Market Calf

  1. Heifer Calf or Steer Born Jan 1, 2024- May  1st 2024

   Breeding Heifer

  1. Junior Heifer Calf Born - January 1st 2024 and  younger

  2. Winter Heifer Calf, Nov-Dec 2023

  3. Senior Heifer Calf, Aug-Oct 2023

  4. Summer Yearling Female, May-July 2023

  5. Spring Yearling Female, Mar - April 2023

  6. Junior Yearling Female, Jan-Feb 2023

  7. Senior Yearling Female, Aug-Dec 2022


  1. Bull Calves Born Aug. 2023 - Dec. 31st 2023

    10. Yearling Bulls Jan. 2023 -July 2023

    11. 2 year old Bulls  Jan -Dec. 2022 

Cow / Calf

    12. Cow calf Pair ( calves must be born after Jan 1 of current Year )     

 Beef Steer / Market Heifer 

    13. Market Heifer 

    14. Market Steer  

Dairy Steer

15. Market Dairy Steer 

All market eligible animals must weight a min. of 1000 lbs


Overall Prospect Market Calf, Breeding Heifer, Bull, Cow/Calf, Beef Steer/ Market Heifer, Dairy Steer.

Champ 100.00

Res. Champ $50.00



1st Place 25.00

2nd Place $20.00

3rd Place $15.00

4th and under $10.00


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Open Class Dairy Show 

June 21st 12pm

$10.00 / entry


  1.  All Breed


  1. Bull Calf ( born after Aug. 31, 2023

  2. Spring Heifer Calf born after Feb. 2024

  3. Winter Heifer Calf Dec 2023 - Feb. 2024

  4. Fall Heifer Calf Sept. 2023 - Nov. 2023

  5. Summer Yearling June-Aug. 2023

  6. Spring Yearling March-May 2023

  7. Winter Yearling Dec. 2021- Feb. 2023

  8. Fall Yearling Sept. -Nov. 2022

  9. Jr. Best 3 females, from heifer class all owned by exhibitor

         ( lots 1-3 )

10. Dry Cow

11. 2 year old Cow in milk ( must have freshened) born sept 1, 2021-Aug 31, 2022

12. 3 year old cow Sept 1, 2020 - Aug 31, 2022

13. 4 year old cow Sept 1 , 2019 - Aug, 31 2021

14. Aged cow in milk born before Sept.1, 2020

15. Sr. Best 3 females, from cow class all owned by exhibitor

      ( Lots 10-15 )

16. Dairy Herd  4 animals all owned by exhibitor

     ( Lots 1-14 )

$75 and banner- Jr. Champion, Sr, Champion, and Best Udder



1st Place $25.00

2nd Place $20.00

3rd Place $15.00

4th Place and Under $10.00

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